More Federal Funding for Lyme

With nearly 500,000 people in the United States getting Lyme disease each year, current federal funding for research and prevention programs is simply not enough. Help us fight for more funding for Lyme.





Read the paper

The State of Lyme Disease Research in the United States:

An Educational Paper from Center for Lyme Action


How You Can Get Involved

Center for Lyme Action Membership

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Lyme Cases Increasing

476,000 estimated cases of Lyme disease reported in 2019 by the CDC.  Reported total cases in 2019 are nearly 5 times the number reported in 1991.

476,000 cases in 2019

Per patient NIH funding for Lyme as compared to Malaria and West Nile

Low Per Patient Funding

Per patient federal funding for Lyme disease is incredibly low at $90 per patient. Less common diseases such as West Nile has 75 times and Malaria has 1300 times the amount of per patient funding.

More Funding required

No Working Diagnostic or Therapy

Current diagnostics don’t work – at best 38% accurate.  Current treatments are insufficient for chronic patients and work for approximately 85% of acute patients.

Need diagnostic and therapy

Your Impact Starts Here

Virtual LYME Fly-In Events

Active advocates across the US

Million dollar Increase in federal funding

What We Do

Center for Lyme Action sponsors educational sessions for the executive and legislative branches of the US federal government.  We work to bring more attention to Lyme disease, the human suffering, and the need for better diagnostics and treatments.  We then work to advocate for increases in federal funding for preventing and battling Lyme.

Our Mission

Center for Lyme Action is a member-supported 501(c)4 organization dedicated to increasing federal funding for Lyme disease. 

Become a Member. Get Involved.

We are seeking help from the Lyme community — Lyme foundations, Lyme advocacy organizations, Lyme patients and their family and friends.

Get in Touch. Get Involved.

Lyme patients need your help.

611 Penn Ave SE Suite 126 Washington, DC 20003

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